Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Fall A Courses

Love the look of lace, but think it's too complicated? This course will break down the fundamentals of lace patterns and ease you into what is considered unparalleled around the world. Start practicing on yarn and needles you're comfortable with, and then begin a simple lace scarf/shawl project in the second class. How to keep track, mistakes, and charts will be covered. You must know how to knit. Basic skills: cast on, knit and purl stitch, bind off.

  • Course Details
    Number of Weeks: 2
    Days: Sa
    Starts: 09/07/2019, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    Instructor: Scarlett *Kiki* Geiger
    Location: SF - NW CAMPUS B-29
    3000 NW 83rd St
    Course Fee: $34.00
    Lab Fee: $0.00
    Notes: No sr. waivers. Bring $20 to first class for materials, a notebook and pen, US 7 or 8 straight needles, and knitting bag supplies. Other supplies and patterns will be provided.                                                                                          Seats Open: 4
If you've never knitted cables and want to learn how, this class is for you. Learn how to read cable abbreviations, understand cable charts, use a cable needle and even cable without one. The easy in-class project will give you the basic knowledge for other cable patterns. We'll practice and then start a cable scarf project.

  • Course Details
    Number of Weeks: 2
    Days: Sa
    Starts: 09/28/2019, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    Instructor: Scarlett *Kiki* Geiger
    Location: SF - NW CAMPUS B-29
    3000 NW 83rd St
    Course Fee: $34.00
    Lab Fee: $0.00
    Notes: No sr. waivers. **Bring $20 for kit supplies and your knitting bag. Must have basic knitting skills: cast on, knit, purl, and bind off.**

    Seats Open: 2