Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Beginner Knitting Lessons

I am currently offering an hour knitting lesson for beginners in an outside, open air, coffee shop environment covering the basics of knitting. One-on-one lesson or bring a friend with you. (2 maximum limit.) Includes knitting supplies to get you started and take home with you. No experience needed. No need to bring anything. Fee: $20 per person. Gainesville, Fl.

Please email me to set up a time and date.

Understanding Garter, Stockinette and Reverse Stockinette Stitches

Here's a short video explaining the differences between these common stitch patterns. How they are knit, what you see on the right side and wrong side of the fabric are covered giving you a good understanding of what you are looking at.

Click here:    Understanding Garter, Stockinette and Reverse Stockinette

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Knitted Cast On Video


The Knitted Cast On is a super easy cast on for beginners or for teaching someone to knit. It doesn't require figuring out a tail length, like the long tail cast on and is a great one to add to your repertoire of cast ons since you can use it when you need to add stitches to a work in progress. 

Enjoy and Happy Knitting.